Device Flow Usecase

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Google drive API

Lets walk step by step through our example with creating "i2rest.doc" file on "i2restexample" user's Google Drive

At the very begining your application should be registrated as a client (obtaining Device ID and Device Password) on Google.
Add SSL sertificate “” to your DCM CLIENT.
Step 1
Execute command
 I2REST COMMAND(*POST) URL('') BODY(*N '{"name":"i2rest.doc"}' 'application/json' *YES 1208) OUTPUT(*BOTH) DCMCLIENT(MYCLIENT) RECVLOG('/home/btpl/recv.log') SENTLOG('/home/btpl/sent.log')
 TOKENS('/qsys.lib/qtemp.lib/tokens.usrspc') AUTHID('') AUTHPW('2Rstk_A-u4rbLcm6OFcclMz5') AUTHURL('')
Step 2
i2rest client (it's built-in program for sending requests) provide you with link - go ahead and follow it.

Find youself on device connection page. Proceed with "Next" button.

Grant access to requested scope.

Here we are!

Step 3
Сheck the result. We didn't make a screenshot with i2rest.doc on our example Google Drive, you can check your own file right now. And some proofs from JobLog.
As you can see, Authorization Token was obtain, and servers responded with Status 200 to our POST request.