i2Rest API

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i2Rest Server provides a set of web services to call IBM i programs and commands, as well as APIs to manage i2Rest Server instance.

run_program API

This API allows you to call IBM i programs as Json REST web service. To call IBM i program, you must prepare file describing program parameters in PCML format, and publish this description to i2Rest Server.

It is required to obtain OAuth2 token with run_program scope to call IBM i programs. Token is not required on calls to programs which has "valid_in_anonymous":true flag in PCML.

run_program API URL

API run_program is available on Main Gate endpoint. The URL for run_program API of specific program is as follows:



  • your_i2Rest_server - host name and optional port of i2Rest Server instance (defined in Main Gate Config)
  • pcml_mount_point   - mount name where PCML file is deployed
  • pcml_program_name  - program name as defined in PCML file



run_program API parameters

To call run_program API, you must send POST request with following JSON object as request body (media type 'application/json'):

Field Type Description Default value
input object Input parameters object

The structure of input parameters depends on the program call definition described in appropriate PCML document. Non-passed parameters will be replaced with their default values

tracein boolean Trace input parameters

Boolean flag to specify the requirement to print input parameters in job log. If true, all input parameters will be printed in session job log before performing call to program

traceout boolean Trace output parameters

Boolean flag to specify the requirement to print output parameters in job log. If true, all output parameters will be printed in session job log after call to program

joblog boolean Return job log

Specifies whether to return session job log together with output parameters. If true, array with job log messages will be added to return parameters. Job log will contain messages arrived only during this program call. Use this flag only for debugging purposes. Producing of responses with job log can impact on performance

joblog_on_error boolean Return job log in case of errors

The same as previous, but job log messages will be returned only in case of errors. Still impact on performance, even when no error will occur

boolean Serialize output parameters on the fly

This parameter can improve i2Rest Server performance. By default, Server processes output PLIST and creates temporary JSON object in memory. After that, it serializes this JSON object and sends response to client. This PLIST pre-processing allows to analyze assert conditions before sending response to client
With "streamed_response":true, server starts sending service response immediately when it starts processing of output PLIST. This reduces the cost of preparing a response message and improves system performance. From other side, if assert condition will be met somewhere in between of output processing, the response will contain two parts - incomplete "output" object and "errors" object.

Warning! "streamed_response":true changes HTTP Transfer-Encoding in the response to "chunked", and removes Content-Length parameter. The server will return a 200 status code even if it encounters an assert condition while processing the output PLIST.

boolean Use unsafe heap storage for program parameters

By default, i2Rest Server session uses safe heap to allocate parameters passed to RPGLE programs. This ensures that discrepancies in pcml definitions and real program parameters will not lead to a violation of the session memory. If the program tries to access memory outside of the allocated memory, an error message will be generated
With "unsafe_heap":true, session will allocate memory for parameters in its own heap. Such operation can be slightly faster then allocating in the safe heap. You can use this setting only if you guarantee that PCML and program parameters are consistent.


run_program example


POST https://i2rest.com/run_program/echo/echo/

      "input": {"echo": "0"},
      "tracein": true,
      "joblog": true,
      "traceout": true


  "output": {
    "echo": "0"
  "joblog": [
    "echo (10):",
    "000000 :0               :F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   00 00",
    "echo (10):",
    "000000 :0               :F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   00 00"
  "job": "030075/USRX/I2RESTA"

run_command API

This API allows you to call IBM i commands.

It is required to obtain OAuth2 token with run_command scope to call IBM i programs.

run_command API URL

API run_command is available on Main Gate endpoint. The URL for run_command API is as follows:



  • your_i2Rest_server - host name and optional port of i2Rest Server instance (defined in Main Gate Config)



run_command API parameters

To call run_command API, you must send POST request with following JSON object as request body (media type 'application/json'):

Field Type Description Default value
command string REQUIRED, Command to call

The string containing command to call. This command "as is" will be called in session job

joblog boolean Return job log

Specifies whether to return session job log together with output parameters. If true, array with job log messages will be added to return parameters. Job log will contain messages arrived only during this program call. Use this flag only for debugging purposes. Producing of responses with job log can impact on performance

joblog_on_error boolean Return job log in case of errors

The same as previous, but job log messages will be returned only in case of errors. Still impact on performance, even when no error will occur


run_command example


POST https://i2rest.com/run_command/ HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer Sv_y7kL0YHTXHyn-QCT5l1Y0QazLIyGqZniPmbLBnLQ
Content-Length: 66
Host: i2rest.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)

     "command": "DSPLIBL OUTPUT(*PRINT)",
     "joblog": true


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: i2Rest/1.0
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 213
Connection: keep-alive

  "status": "OK",
  "details": "Command call was completed successfully",
  "joblog": [
    "Printer device PRT01 not found. Output queue changed to QPRINT in library QGPL."
  "job": "030126/USRX/I2RESTS"

Management APIs

Management APIs includes functions that can be used to do some management stuff - change runtime parameters, query current status of server instance, etc. Here is a full list of all API provided: