Testing Oauth2 authorization with SoapUI

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We assume that you already have Soap UI installed. If not, open source installation package could be found on https://www.soapui.org/downloads/soapui/.
Run SOAP UI, if you alredy have a project, that you would like to update with authorization profile - go to it. Otherwise go to File ---> New REST Project. As an example we will create Managment Api call poject. Specify URI to request as follows:

<Managment Gate URL>

where <Managment Gate URL> is the value in your configuration *.json.

Auth soapui 1.png

Find Auth tab in the left bottom corner of the screen, then choose "Add New Authorization..." .

Auth soapui 2.png

Choose "OAuth2.0" authorization type, profile name is up to you:

Auth soapui 3.png

Now go to "Get token":


Choose "Authorization Code Grant". The rest fields must be filled as follows:

"Client identification" and "Client Secret" are the Login/Password of the IBM i user, defined as a i2Rest Server client in configuration *.json.
Assuming that you didn't change default settings in configuration *.json, "Authorization URI" and "Access Token URI" should look like <main gate url>/<value described in OAuth2 object defenition>.
"Scopes" - the scope requred.
"Redireсt URI" is a value, defined in Clients object in configuration *.json.

Then click on "Get token".


You will be prompted for a Login and a password. Login/Password of the IBM i user, defined in Users object must be entered.


Now it's time to decide either access to a displayed client with displayed scope will be granted or denied. We beleive you click on "Allow" button...


Look at highlighted with green "Access Token" field! these symbals are the token we obtained from the i2Rest Server, now we are authorized to make requests to protected resources on it!
